Founder. Environmentalist. EV Enthusiast. Dad.

10 things you can do on EarthDay 🌍 to make a change

Better understand your recycling

Lots of packaging sadly isn’t actually recyclable in your council bins but it can be donated to charity (via recycling schemes), TerraCycle (who make a large % of containers for foodstuffs) for instance run a scheme, learn more here.

Amazon Customer?

Setup consolidated deliveries to help the Environment, in short, this means you pick a day each week where all your Amazon deliveries will arrive. If you ever need anything quicker you can select this at checkout.

Coffee/Tea Drinker?

Finally, buy yourself a reusable coffee cup and actually use it instead of using disposable cups (you will also save money at most coffee shops).

Move your home or business energy to a renewable energy provider 

A sun, wind and wave-powered home is such a simple move to make:

Get your street, town and city ready for EV adoption

Councils have access to £20,000,000 in funding for electric vehicle infrastructure in 2021/22 (for those without off-road parking), so if you, friends and family would fall under this criteria, make a request to your local council to request chargers. The money covers 75% of the capital costs of the install up to £13,000. 


To be clear you will need to request this from your local council via their website/app etc

Reduce your junk mail and swap to paperless bills

Unsubscribe from at least 5 pieces of junk mail (postal): Think of 5 companies that continue to send you junk mail by post, login to their websites and change your preferences to email only / or none. You can also do the same for emails as well, as it’s easy to forget every email has a Carbon Footprint as well! 

Similar to this you can do the same with paper bills, for instance: Council tax? Mortgage? Energy? Insurance? Phone bill? Internet? Childcare? 


Swap from Google to Ecosia

Every web search goes towards planting trees, their servers run on 200% (yes 200%) renewable energy, and every search request removes 1kg of CO2 from the atmosphere.


Go meat-free for 50%+ of the week

As a family, we did this and it’s so easy to do. You can also learn about eating more seasonly with this Food Calendar and buying this great Vegan cook book for further ideas.

Watch one of these films, TV shows or videos:

Encourage & help others to make similar changes

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